For over 40 years, the Australian Institute of Petroleum sponsored the development and operation of an independent epidemiology program called Health Watch. Health Watch was a university-based research program which studied people who have worked in the Australian petroleum industry to find…
AIP publishes comprehensive market prices on a daily and weekly basis to help the community follow and understand the key market and other factors influencing fuel prices in Australia.
Terminal gate prices
Average daily wholesale prices (TGPs) for unleaded petrol and diesel at major terminal locations around Australia.
Weekly prices reports
A weekly overview of international, wholesale and retail price trends influencing pump prices in Australia.
Pump prices
Average weekly retail prices for unleaded petrol and diesel across Australian States/Territories, regions, cities and towns.
Australian market snapshot
Get an overall 'snapshot' of movements in key market indicators relevant to the price of petrol at the pump in Australia.
Facts about prices
Find out more information about factors influencing fuel prices in Australia.
International pricing
Understand the movements in international benchmark prices relevant to the price of petrol and diesel in Australia.
Our resources aim to provide factual information and data on the petroleum industry, its activities and policies. Browse and download reports, factsheets, submissions and media releases.
Downstream Petroleum
‘Downstream Petroleum’ provides an overview of recent developments in petroleum refining and marketing in Australia and the Asian region, the key issues faced by this highly competitive sector, and its significant contribution to the economy and community

The Australian Marine Oil Spill Centre forms a key part of the petroleum industry’s commitment to support Australia’s national oil spill response arrangements. AMOSC provides a range of equipment, services and advice to the petroleum and shipping industries, Australian governments and the South…

CRC CARE is the Cooperative Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment. CRC CARE is a research and development organisation providing cutting edge technologies and knowledge in assessing, preventing and remediating contamination of soil, water and air. CRC…